Sample Contractual Letters For The Contractor
FIDIC Red Book 1999 Edition
This book is meant for the Contractors and contains only letters FROM the Contractor TO the Employer/Engineer/DAB.
This ebook* contains the following:
(1) 86 detailed sample contractual letters and 37 notifications of claim,
(2) 162 contractual guidelines related to the Contractor’s duties, rights and obligations,
(3) Critical information about the obligatory time frame(s) by when a contractual notification(s) should be sent
Please note the following:
- This is a digital ebook app with an individual licence key.
- MS Excel and WINDOWS OS are required to run it.
- To minimise issues related to piracy, the letters included in this eBook are image files and cannot be edited.
- This eBook is locked to one laptop or PC; WINDOWS OS is required to use this eBook.
This ebook* contains the following:
(1) 86 detailed sample contractual letters and 37 notifications of claim,
(2) 162 contractual guidelines related to the Contractor’s duties, rights and obligations,
(3) Critical information about the obligatory time frame(s) by when a contractual notification(s) should be sent
*The governing law of the Contract may affect the legal validity of the general terms and conditions; therefore, you should consult a lawyer prior to using the sample contractual notifications included in this ebook. For example, liabilities associated with concurrent delays are interpreted differently in various countries/jurisdictions.
Contract administration and, in particular, drafting of contractual notifications for the FIDIC forms of Contract are critical functions on all projects. There are several key contractual and procedural issues to be aware of while preparing said notifications. Some Sub-Clauses require more than one notification while others oblige the Contractor to perform certain key actions in order to ensure that their contractual entitlements are not prejudiced in any manner.
This ebook contains detailed sample letters for all contractual notifications related to the FIDIC Red Book (1999 edition). These letters provide step by step instructions on how to draft contractually/legally compliant notifications.
This ebook also provides comprehensive instructions on how to ensure that the Contractor’s contractual entitlements are protected. For example, if there is a delay/disruption event, and a notice of claim has to be submitted, this ebook provides information about:
(1) Critical contractual issues to be cognisant of and actions that should be taken prior to submitting the notice or contractual letter,
(2) The date by when the notice should be issued,
(3) The relevant contractual clauses that should be referred to and, finally,
(4) A detailed sample/model letter which could be used as a template to create the pertinent contractual notification.
This ebook is an excellent guide for professionals who are not familiar with preparing contractual letters.
For experienced professionals, this ebook is a perfect aide-mémoire which would assist in ensuring that errors are not made while drafting critical contractual notifications.
To conclude, this ebook makes it simpler for construction professionals to fulfil their contract administration duties with due diligence.
Note – Sample Letters: The text in “Red” or “Italics” are for (1) the insertion of project specific data (2) comments for information or (3) optional text (which may or may not be required).
This ebook runs on MS Excel and WINDOWS, please note the following:
1. To minimise issues related to piracy, the letters included in this ebook are image files and cannot be edited.
2. This ebook is locked to one laptop or PC; WINDOWS OS is required to use this ebook.
3. When this ebook is launched for the first time, a menu will pop up showing your system’s hardware ID. Please email this ID to office[at] scssinternational [dot] org and we will send you a license key.
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FIDIC is the only Copyright owner of FIDIC publications. Copyright © 2014 FIDIC, World Trade Center II, 29 route de Prés-Bois, Geneva Airport, CH-1215. Geneva, Switzerland (All rights reserved). This ebook is an objective, unbiased and independent review, critique and analysis of the FIDIC Red Book for educational/teaching purposes and complies with the requirements of “fair use” and other pertinent international copyright laws.
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Please note that the contents of this ebook are for general information only and the same should not be substituted for professional advice. The author assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of this publication. Any perceived slights to specific people or organisations are unintentional.