Is the CCCS/CCCA/CCDA qualification affiliated with any institutions?
Please note that we are not affiliated with any associations because our objective is to ensure that our certification is independent and will, in due course, become the gold standard for claims specialists worldwide. The CCCS/CCCA/CCDA post-nominal initials are a professional benchmark that demonstrates the attainment of a level of competence that cannot be matched by non-CCCS/CCCA/CCDA professionals. Currently, there is no other certification or course that provides this level of practical Learning Management System (LMS) based HD video training i.e. countless Excel spreadsheets that train professionals on how to quantify claims, Primavera/Asta/MS project files with training on how to carry out a professional delay analysis, templates in MS word for EOT/disruption claims and much more.
What is the difference between the SCCSI membership and CCCS/CCCA/CCDA qualification?
The SCCSI membership is different from the CCCS/CCCA/CCDA qualification. Initially, you have to become a member of the SCCSI in order to get access to the Learning Management System (LMS) and CCCS/CCCA/CCDA online exam. After receiving your CCCS/CCCA/CCDA qualification, it is not mandatory to continue your SCCSI membership. However, please note that it would be prudent to continue the SCCSI membership in order to have continued access to the LMS and new (approved) courses at heavily discounted rates i.e. CCCS/CCCA/CCDA approved courses which are required to maintain your CCCS/CCCA/CCDA qualification (15 units out of 30 units of PDH must be obtained from CCCS/CCCA/CCDA approved courses). Alternatively, if you wish to discontinue your SCCSI membership, you can still gain access to SCCSI approved courses at Please note that you will lose access to the LMS if you discontinue your SCCSI membership.
How long is the CCCS/CCCA/CCDA qualification valid for?

The CCCS/CCCA/CCDA qualification is valid for three years; in order to maintain your certification, you should accumulate 30 units of Professional Development Hours (1 Unit = 1 Hour).

Certificate validity: 1 year, Renewal Fee: £99 per year (total, even if you have more than one certificate to renew).

In order to ensure the quality of your training, 15 units (out of the 30 units of PDH) must be obtained from SCCSI approved courses which can be found at Alternatively, if you are a member of the SCCSI, you can get access to approved courses via the SCCSI LMS at heavily discounted rates.

What are the contents of the LMS?

The CCCS/CCCA/CCDA programmes contain High Definition Video Tutorials (with multiple workshops in Excel and additional materials) which re-creates the ambience of a real-life seminar but allows students to progress at their own pace. Please note that you should be connected to the Internet to view the video tutorials. 

Duration of HD VIDEO content ONLY:

CCCS = 20hrs21mins

CCDA P6=13hrs14mins

CCCA FIDIC ‘99&2017=14hrs16mins


Please note that the courses contain large number of workshops and other materials for self-paced work and the amount of time which you will spend on it depends on you (you will have 1 year to access the course materials).

Based on our knowledge and feedback received, professionals who are working full-time take ca. 2-3 weeks to complete one course (each programme consists of several courses); on average, you need to spend ca. 20-30 hrs per each course (not programme). Therefore, the time for completion would depend on how much time you have to spare.  

May I see a sample of your HD tutorial?

Yes, of course.     Please click on the following links: 

How do I apply for the CCCS/CCCA/CCDA qualification?
You can apply for the CCCS/CCCA/CCDA qualification by sending an email to Please review the application guidelines here:
Will I receive a CCCS/CCCA/CCDA certificate on passing the exam?


A CCCS/CCCA/CCDA certificate will be issued to students who complete the course and pass the CCCS/CCCA/CCDA exam.

What are the technical and/or requirements for the LMS and the CCCS/CCCA/CCDA exam?

1. You need access to the Internet to watch the video tutorials.

2. You need a Windows PC or laptop and MS Office.

3. Exam Requirements: A quiet, private room which is well-lit. You would also need a laptop with a webcam, good microphone, speakers and access to the Internet (ethernet not wifi)

Minimum speed requirement: 15Mbps (Download) and 10Mbps (upload) speeds

Additionally, please note that due to multiple technical issues encountered in the past, Macs (even with Bootcamp) may no longer be used for online exams. Students are required to use computers with Windows OS.

Please click here for more information:

Use of company computers

If the student intends to use a computer that is a property of his/her employer, they need to make sure that the security/privacy settings of the computer allow connection to the external server and to the Internet, and that the firewall does not block SCCSI LMS websites, especially . For the use of FIDIC Questions Banks and CCAPro contract management tools, the computer must allow the installation and running of external apps.

Do I need to travel or attend online classes?
No. The CCCS/CCCA/CCDA LMS Training and exam are flexible and designed to fully adapt to your busy schedule. There is no requirement to travel or participate in online classes. The study material consists of high definition video tutorials and MS Word/MS Excel/pdf documents. You can study at your own pace and convenience. The CCCS/CCCA/CCDA exam will be held at a location of your choice.
No Downloadable Notes
Per SCCSI’s policy, there are no downloadable PowerPoint/pdf slides or notes because (1) The data is taken from various sources and it would be impractical to do it and (2) to minimise issues related to piracy.
Students in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, China

Please note that in some countries (e.g. Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, China at al.), our video streaming engine provided by is not available. Therefore, potential students are requested to check the availability of service in their country before enrolling.

Apply To Become A CCCS/CCDA/CCCA